Coming Back Hair Metal

January 28, 2010 at 12:12 pm (Uncategorized) (, )

Tight pants. Glitter. Make-up. And massive amounts of hair spray. These are the elements needed to make a killer band. Excuse me. These were the elements to make a great band.

Where did the theatrical look go? In the eighties rock n’ roll concerts were full of lasers, flames, and lights. Def Leppard’s In the Round stage, during their Hysteria album was four-sided. The backstage was beneath the stage. The stage was painted in neon colors and had steps so the fans in the nosebleed section will still be able to see the entertainers.

Now I go to a Bring Me the Horizon concert and the stage is really tiny. There are no fancy light shows. There are smelly guys gangbanging each other. This is something I will never get involved in again. Not to mention the band did not put any effort in dressing up or even taking a shower.

What I am trying to say is these new rock bands need to put more effort in their appearance. Fans pay too much money to get soaked in somebody’s sweat.

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